All orders SOLD by this web site are shipped by Canada Post from White Rock, British Columbia, CANADA. (Canada is NOT part of the USA, but the country above the USA)
Weather, holidays, customs and mail strikes can affect delivery times.
Generally orders in CANADA are received 5 to 12 business days. Business days are Monday to Friday.
Below is one case how the mail was maybe delayed to take some pretty pictures. LOL
Generally orders in the continental USA are received 10 to 15 business days. Business days are Monday to Friday.
Shipping times are usually reduced during Christmas season and maybe slower in summer months, meaning it could take longer than the estimated 10 to 15 business days. CANADA POST likes to hold our mail hostage during strikes for more money usually at Christmastime.
International orders may take 15 to 30+ business days.
For example: An order shipped Jan 9 should be received Jan 23 to Jan 30 if there are no delays at the border (customs) or due to weather.
You can use the contact form to contact us if needed.
Please do NOT use this form to try and sell us SEO, improving site traffic, website redesign services, online dating services or snake oil, etc. We do not not respond to spam like this.