The Lottery Squirrels of #WhiteRock Beach (owners of ) were LOST IN CYBERSPACE. We had developed many problems with our hosting provider starting December 10, 2013. They said the Lottery Squirrels of #WhiteRock Beach were hogging all the resources, and they suspended all of our sites. They suggested we purchase their VPS hosting package at about 10 times the cost we were paying, plus our own DNS servers, etc.
We signed up for their premium service and they moved our sites over in lockdown mode and were blocking anyone but us from seeing the site. Days were lost and I spent 19 hours one day sitting in my chair trying to get the new service to work. I lost 3+ pounds by simply not moving out of my chair and not eating. I sent dozens and dozens of emails and screen captures explaining the problems. At one point they just stopped responding. It was only after a few days of being offline and asking for a REFUND that I got a response.
On 13/12/2013 1:25 PM, Support Department wrote:Hello,
I removed all of the suspension .htaccess files from the account. Will you please try now and let us know if you are still having difficulty?
Brendan C.
L3 System AdministratorTicket Details
Ticket ID: OYZ-736-78094
Department: Support
Type: Level 1
The screen capture shows they DID NOT remove all of the suspensions.

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At 1:06 pm PT on December 14, we signed up for a Cloud VPS hosting package with, and now with service and no suspensions we had our sites coming up in a few hours. Our sites have in the 90,000 range of files and it is a lengthy process. Some of the other sites were transferred while I went to bed about 1:00 am. Long story short, we have gone ORANGE and have a better hosting company to deal with.
I think the BAD HOSTING company will get a lump of coal this year at Christmas. LOL
$ 19.95 + Shipping &Tax

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